Reaction Kinetics 2.0


What factors affect the rate of chemical reactions?


  • Beakers/vials
  • Heating plate
  • Juice from pickled red cabbage
  • Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
  • 1M acetic acid (vinegar)
  • Stopwatches
  • Safety goggles and gloves


  1. Place a vial of acetic acid in a beaker of water at room temperature, 0 °C (ice bath), and 60 °C
  2. Add a teaspoon of pickled red cabbage juice
  3. Add 0.5-3 teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate and monitor the time it takes for the solution to turn blue
  4. Correlate the observed time with reaction temperature, amounts/ratios of acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate, what is added to what, and if mixing water to either reactant affects the rate